David Matej Goljat alias DMG

Matej je avtor in ustanovitelj projekta AML in nekakšen Capo di bando projekta – oziroma po slovensko “stric iz ozadja”. Po izobrazbi slikar in oblikovalec, ki nam je pred nekaj leti pobegnil na sever, kamor je izvozil svoje talente. V ekipi AML skrbi za daljinsko krmiljenje AML čolna in za izbor ter koordinacijo super posadke, kot tudi, da vse štima in teče v smeri zastavljenih ciljev ter vizij.

Matej is the author and founder of the AML project and some kind of Capo di Bando of the project – or in Slovenian “uncle from the background”. By education, he is a painter and designer who fled us to the north to Norway a few years ago, where he exported his talents. In the AML team he is responsible for controlling the AML boat and for selecting and coordinating a super crew, as well as to keep everything tuned and running towards the goals and visions set.


Eva je po izobrazbi ekonomistka. Skozi AML se je dodobra povezala in spoznala tudi z umetnostjo, ki jo navdihuje, kot jo navdihujejo hribi, kjer najraje preživlja vsak prosti dan. Ljubiteljica narave in rastlin vzgaja sivko na vrtu, pri AML pa skrbi predvsem za zelene številke in zadovoljstvo vseh sodelujočih. Že več let zelo dobro sodeluje s stricem iz ozadja.

Eva is an economist by education. Through the AML, she became well connected with art in witch she finds as much inspiration as she does in the mountains where she spent most of her free days. She loves being in the nature but also loves that she is a crazy plant lady especially with growing lavender. At AML she takes care of the green numbers and the satisfaction of all participants. She has been working very well with the uncle from the background for many years now.


Klavdija, »ustvarjalka iz podstrešja« je po izobrazbi akademska slikarka, ki deluje tudi na področju grafike, tiska, ilustracije in scenografije. V prostem času sprošča roke v glini ter svojega duha v hribih. V ekipi AML skrbi za veliko mero smeha ter povezanosti prek socialnih medijev.

Klavdija, the artist from the attic, is an academic painter who also works in the fields of graphics, printmaking, illustration and scenography. In her free time she relaxes her hands in clay and her spirit in the mountains. In the Artmarket team she creates a great deal of laughter and social cohesion.


Nina je po izobrazbi fizičarka, po duši in poklicu ilustratorka. Doma ima tapravo džunglo in mačka Bruna, ki pridno pomaga pri kreacijah motivov njenih kartic in voščilnic. Svoje dni preživlja pretežno ilustratorsko, v AML ekipi skrbi za velike začetnice ter ločila v stavkih.

Nina is a physicist by education and an illustrator by heart and occupation. Her flat is a real jungle in which you also (sometimes) find her cat Bruno who helps her create the designs of her greeting cards. She mostly spends her days drawing, in the AML team she takes care of text editing and proofreading.